Truth For America

Dear Democrat or Liberal,

This website, was developed in order to warn the American people but especially to warn you.  Millions of Americans already understand who the Democrat Party is and what their plans are for America, but you do not.  You really don’t understand how corrupt, criminal, vile, and vicious they are.  You should understand, but you don’t.    

You should understand how their open border policies are destroying cities and towns all across this country while taking the lives of innocent Americans just so that they could benefit from illegal voting, but you don’t.  

You should understand that their irresponsible and criminal actions in regards to spending taxpayer’s money are bankrupting the nation, but you don’t.  

You should understand that they have corrupted the judicial system so they could go after their political opponents, but you don’t.

You should understand how close we are to a nuclear war because of their incompetence and self-serving policies, but you don’t.

You should understand that their “Green Energy” theology is nothing more than smoke and mirrors in order to further secure their control over the lives of Americans, but you don’t.

You should understand that they despise the Constitution, capitalism, and the free society and that they fully intend on transforming America into a communist country, but you don’t.

You should understand that they don’t care about you or any Americans and they intend on doing to you what they have done to the black community, but you don’t.

You should understand that they are only interested in you as long as you say what they want you to say, think what they want you to think, and do what they want you to do, but you don’t.

You should understand that their policies on abortion are actually infanticide, but you don’t.

You, simply, don’t understand who they are and what they intend on doing to you and to this country.  They want you to be an angry, violent, mindless, shell of a human being who will do their bidding while they continue to entice you with empty promises and deceit. At the end of the day they will rob you of everything; your mind, your dignity, your self-respect, your future, your hope, your freedom, your wealth, your happiness, and your humanity.    

You are why we have developed this website.  We have developed it to warn you. History has informed us regarding who the Democrat Party is and as to the consequences of the imposition of communism on a free nation; death, starvation, violence, and destruction. The promise of the Socialist Utopia has always been a lie promoted by psychopaths and has always ended badly.  

The Democrat Party psychopaths intend on using you to help them destroy this country and in the process they will destroy your life.  Take a risk.  Expose yourself to some ideas that are not steeped in their propaganda.  You can use the materials on this website for that purpose.  Consider the possibility that they are lying to you about everything; that they are nothing more than charlatans, con-men and con-women who are only interested in enriching and empowering themselves.   

The last four years under the Democrat Party, a President riddled with dementia, and an Administration of perverts and incompetents has been a disaster for this country, and for the entire world. In the short time remaining prior to this next election they and their bought and paid for corrupt Media will try to convince you that the past four years have been the most glorious in the history of the United States.  Sadly, for many of you they will be successful because you’ve been in the Democrat Party Matrix for too long.  You have no rational intelligence remaining.  They are your truth, they are your god, they are your reality, and they will be your destruction.  But for those who have not completely lost your mind to the Democrat Party Matrix of destruction we urge you to step away from it, reactivate your rational intelligence and attempt to consider the issues from the real world and, then, you may actually save your life and the future of this country.   


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