Truth For America

Wait!!............Stop!!.  Do not tear up this letter yet!  We’re not politicians.  We’re not selling anything.  We don’t want your money and, if it’s up to us, you’ll never even know who we are.  We just want to talk to you for a few minutes.  

By now you are probably aware that things in America and throughout the world are not going so well: prices for everything have gone up, especially food; fuel prices continue to climb; housing is unaffordable for millions of Americans; America’s foreign relations with our allies and our enemies are in shambles; our border is wide open to drugs, terrorists, and sex trafficking; the violence in many of our larger cities is out of control with dozens of murders taking place every week; war has broken out in the Middle East and is escalating; the Russia/Ukraine conflict has cost thousands of lives and there is no end in sight; our country is over 40 trillion dollars in debt and yet billions in American taxpayer money has been given to Ukraine, with more promised, and billions more has been given to Iran; and both Russia and China are threatening World War 3 while America struggles with a depleted and weakened military due to a “WOKE” agenda.  The question for you is, do you want all of this to continue?

America has an election coming up in November.  It doesn’t matter whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican.  The only thing that matters is what kind of America you want to live in, and what kind of America you want for your children and grandchildren.  All of the carnage that is taking place in America today is not independent of the Party that is presiding over America; it is because of the Party that is presiding over America and that Party is the Democrat Party.  If you want the destruction of America, and your family to continue, then you will vote the Democrat Party back into power; if not, then you must vote them out of office.  We have included the choices you are facing and the consequences you can expect from those choices.  Please visit our website at for more discussion and references about who the Democrat Party actually is; the corruption in the American News Media; the role of propaganda, brainwashing, and fear in controlling the minds and actions of the American people; voter fraud; and ways that you can help restore America.  

Thanks for your time,

Option #1Elect the Democrat Party And This is What Will Happen:

- The borders will remain open; drugs, sex traffickers, and criminals will continue to pour into the country; drug cartels and gangs will be firmly established throughout the country; thousands will die from drug overdoses, tainted drugs, and gang violence.

- They will continue to push for the elimination of fossil fuels; prices of everything will continue to rise, especially food; shortages will occur; more citizens will be unable to afford basic living expenses.

- They will continue to impose DEI* policies that will force the placement of the less qualified into positions throughout the country and ultimately endanger the health and well being of American citizens;

- More private businesses will fail because of their policies.

- As more businesses fail the Federal Government will seek to take ownership and control of critical industries such as energy, transportation, banking, and health care.

- Taxation on the working class will increase dramatically as more and more Americans are added to the welfare rolls because of the government’s devastating economic policies, and welfare assistance is provided to hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants  

- They will continue to weaponize the enforcement arms of the Federal Government in order to persecute and imprison any who oppose them, with the assistance of their slavish Media.

- They will continue to promote division throughout the country along the lines of racial, gender, and economic status

- Their reckless spending will add trillions more to a national debt that is already incomprehensible; as they add more debt, inflation will increase and the value of the dollar will decrease causing even more economic duress for the American people.

- Their incompetence relative to foreign relations wherein they have alienated our allies and emboldened our enemies will bring us closer and closer to an armed confrontation with Russia and China and the greater possibility of World War 3, while at the same time their enforcement of a WOKE mindset upon our military will continue to deplete our military ranks and create a fighting force that is unprepared to defend the country.

- From a spiritual standpoint their commitment to immorality, sexual perversion, deceit, lawlessness, and the murder of the innocent, will invite the judgement of God upon this country.

The accuracy of these projections is based upon what the Democrat Party has been doing for the past four years, and even before that under previous Democrat Presidents, and, if elected, what they will continue to do.  They have absolutely nothing to run on.  Their policies over the past four years have been a complete disaster that has caused pain and suffering not only in America, but throughout the entire world.  As they campaign for reelection they will attempt to emotionally manipulate the American people into mindlessly supporting them and, sadly, some will.  With the help of their surrogate Media they will avoid any real discussion about policy or of their catastrophic record.  

Option#2Elect Donald Trump and This is What Will Happen

- The borders will be secured.  The wall will be finished.  The tens of millions of illegals that have come over the border under the Biden administration will be dealt with in some sort of orderly fashion.

- Oil exploration in the United States will resume with the goal of establishing American energy independence.

- DEI* as a policy will be eliminated throughout the federal government and as much of the country as possible.

- Federal Policies will be written for the purpose of supporting and protecting small businesses.

- Because of policy changes and favorable economic arrangements, more manufacturing will return to the United States.

- As the tax base is enlarged, due to increased revenue from business growth, taxation on American citizens will be frozen and ultimately reduced.

- A thorough house cleaning will take place in every agency of the Federal Government but particularly those who were used by the Biden Administration to conduct covert operations against American Citizens. These would include the FBI, CIA, IRS, DOJ, and the Secret Service.

- The divisive efforts of the Biden Administration and previous Democrat Administrations will be countered by an administration that encourages unity based upon a shared American heritage and a rediscovered national identity.

- The national debt will be tackled through a massive decrease in the bloated federal budget, reduction of unjustified overseas spending, elimination of duplicate or unneeded Federal programs, and elimination of corruption in the Federal Government bidding process and in any other areas where graft and corruption are found.

- The military will be purged of the WOKE agenda and refocused on the goal of being the best trained and most capable fighting force in the world with the single minded purpose of defending the United States of America and its citizens.

- With strong leadership again in the oval office, America will resume its role as leader of the free world and pursue the goal of restoring strong relationships with our Allies and regaining respect from our enemies; from a position of strength, negotiations will begin to end the war between Russia and Ukraine and to end the armed conflicts in the Middle East.  

- The globalist agenda practiced by the Democrat Party of putting America last will be wholly rejected and an America First agenda will be pursued; that is the establishment of all practices and policies will be guided primarily by what is in the best interest of the United States and its citizens.  

- From a Spiritual perspective, a concerted effort to reverse the ungodly policies and practices inflicted upon America by the Democrat Party will hopefully grant the United States a measure of grace and mercy from Almighty God so that His hand of judgement against this nation might be stayed.     

We don’t work for the Trump campaign and everything we have listed here is only listed because he did these things during his first term in office.  Our concern is not so much who occupies the oval office as it is whether or not our children and grandchildren will grow up in an America that is free, safe, and prosperous.  Under the Democrat Party they will not. We have experienced that over the past four years and, if they remain in control of America, it will get much worse.  We don’t want to feel like we’re telling you how to vote, but for God’s sake and America’s don’t vote for the Democrats to rule this nation.     

Please visit our website for more truths about the planned destruction of America and what you can do to prevent it.  America needs your help.  If we do nothing our country will be lost.

*DEI – A policy of hiring that prioritizes race over qualifications that is, essentially, institutionalized racism and ultimately endangers the safety and welfare of American citizens.  

**A word of warning:  A vote for any Democrat is a vote for the Democrat Party’s destructive agenda for America.  All Democrats are 100% loyal to that agenda.  Independent thinkers are not allowed in the Democrat Party.  Even if they are in the minority, they will do all they can to impose the Democrat Party agenda and keep Trump from accomplishing his America first agenda.  I know this is hard for Democrats who have been indoctrinated about the “evil” Republican Party, but it is important that you vote and that you vote a Republican ticket, and not for any Democrats.  To not vote, or to vote a third Party candidate, is to give the Democrat Party a one vote advantage in its quest to rule over America.  Therefore, voting Republican in our predominantly two party system is the only option.  This is not to laud the accomplishments of the Republican Party because it has certainly failed the American people on many levels, but in the current struggle it is the only viable option.  Turning our attention to fixing the Republican Party could be the next agenda item after defeating the Democrat Party.    

Please help us warn the American people by sending this letter to everyone you can.  Send it anonymously. Americans need to know the truth.  Our future and the future of the country is at stake.  We can’t do this without your help. If the truth does not get to the American people soon this country will be destroyed from within and from without. Thousands of young soldiers have died to protect America’s freedoms. All were asking you to do is send a few letters or distribute a few flyers.  That shouldn’t be too much to ask. Visit our website ( for more information about how you can help us warn the American people before it’s too late.