Dear Pastor or Church Leader,

We have a question for you:  Are you a coward?  We don’t mean to be offensive but, quite some time ago the Church was deceptively intimidated and convinced to abandon their post as the representative of God’s Kingdom in our political process based upon a fraudulent interpretation of the Founder’s comments regarding the separation of Church and State, and the threat of lost revenues. The void that was left behind was gradually filled with every kind of evil imaginable resulting in the moral decadence that we are currently observing in our culture.  The America of today, rather than reflecting that “shining city on a hill” that Reagan talked about, seems to have more in common with Sodom and Gomorrah. Instead of being one nation under the God of the Bible, we have, seemingly, become a nation under that god who rules in Hell. This is particularly the case under the current Administration. However it is not this Administration that is enforcing the policies of Satan upon this nation but, rather, it is the Party they represent.    

In consideration of the Democrat Party’s rejection of God, their practice of deceit and lawlessness, their fervor to persecute and imprison the innocent, their infatuation with all things sexually immoral, and their zeal regarding the murder of babies, there is no longer any doubt regarding who they serve and who’s kingdom they desire to bring into the earth. The Democrat Party and their membership (whether ignorant or not) are in the service of Satan. But, do you know how the Democrat Party (the Party of Satan) is elected in America? They are elected because Christians vote for them.  

How is it that one who goes to Church on Sunday and prays to the God of the Bible…”Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven….” can then vote on Monday for the kingdom of Satan to rule in America?   Are they ignorant?  Are they mentally disturbed? Are they actually Christians?

The truth is that the Democrat Party, the most vile, immoral, deceitful, and lawless organization on the face of the earth, depends upon the actions of so-called Christians to stay in power and carry out their Satanic assignment in America.  Thousands of Christians don’t vote; they’re not even registered to vote.  Thousands of other Christians vote for Democrats.  It is these “Christians” (those who vote Democrat and those who do not vote at all) who provide the votes that elect the Democrat Party.  Without their help the Democrat Party would not be elected in America.  

How can we justify this?  Well, we could say, “the Republican Party is just as bad”, but it’s not. The Republican Party does not support any of the sexual perversion that the Democrat Party is obsessed with, and they are staunch adversaries of abortion. Perhaps we could say that voting for individuals who happen to be members of the Democrat Party is okay, except that there is no individualism in the Democrat Party.  All members are required to vote the Party’s heinous platform 100% of the time or else.  To vote for a Democrat is to vote for the Democrat Party platform and to vote the Democrat Party platform is to vote for the kingdom of Satan in America.  

At this point in our history, pretending that the Democrat Party is just another political party is delusional and dangerous.  Dangerous to people who think they are Christians but are actually serving in the kingdom of Satan, (remember Jesus and the Sadducees, John 8:44) and dangerous to Church leaders who are afraid to tell the truth to their followers because of the fear of man, resulting in those followers falling into grave sin. (Ezekiel 3:17-18, warning to the watchman might be appropriate here.)

Perhaps this is all moot to you because you long for the judgement of God upon the earth. You’re looking forward to persecution and tribulation. If that’s you, I suggest you do a quick historical review of what judgement, tribulation, persecution, war, and famine actually look like, or ask someone who’s been there. Unless you’re craving the sight of your family starving to death, or being burned alive, I propose you consider repentance and the restoration of America as a more desirable alternative.     

God is not done with America but, as you well know, God can only accomplish in the earth what we are willing to allow Him to accomplish through us.  We learned this at the Israelites’ failed attempt to enter the land the first time around.  If church leaders in America are not willing to stand up and educate their followers about the evil nature of the Democrat Party and why they need to register and vote against that Party, then evil will be victorious in America and the judgement of God will certainly begin with the Church.  

Sorry if this sounds a bit austere, but America is in a very dangerous place.  I’m certain you have been aware of the moral decline that is taking place in America.  We don’t work for the Trump campaign.  We work for the Kingdom of God and there are millions of us throughout the United States who are not in a hurry to experience God’s judgement or tribulation in America.  We believe America can be brought back from the precipice; that America can be saved if Christians will get in the fight, but it’s up to Christian leaders like you to make that happen.  Whether it’s through preaching, teaching, classes, driving people to the polls, handing out flyers, or by whatever means, it is essential that Christians understand who the Democrat Party is and who they serve.  

We don’t believe you are a coward and we are aware of the difficult position that you are in. However, the truth is the Church in America was meant to be the salt that would preserve morality, integrity, and justice throughout American society and it has failed to do so for the most deplorable of reasons:  money and fear of man. When the Church decided to take the Devil’s deal, keep the money and keep quiet, the salt was removed from our society and so we have a country that is about to descend into an abyss from which it may never emerge. For those of you who have the courage to do so, it is time to correct this devastating sin and expose the Democrat Party for who they serve, what their intentions are, and the irreconcilable conflict of interests presented by a Christian who votes Democrat.  We can’t tell you how to do it, but God can, and it needs to be done soon. This election may be the last opportunity we have to avoid the devastation upon this country that is closer than most of us realize.  If you refuse to do anything, you may share the legacy of those German pastors who, because of their fear, failed to warn the German people concerning Hitler and were, thereby, destined to endure the screams of the Jewish people as they were transported to concentration camps, and the stench of their burning bodies.  Lest you think this comparison is misconceived I would have you remember that, to date, over 60 million babies in America have been brutally murdered because of the Democrat Party.

If you understand the seriousness of the situation that America is in, please pass this letter on to other church leaders.  This may be our last chance to change the direction in which America is headed and avoid the certain destruction that could follow.   

Truth For America