The Democrat Party is a Communist Party

It’s true.  The modern Democrat Party is a Communist Party.  It hasn’t always been a Communist Party, but it has always leaned towards Communism.  More recently, as more radical democrats have been elected to the party, it has coalesced around the ideology of communism to the point that, today, it is a full-fledged communist organization that is intent on imposing its ideology upon the American people.  Consequently, in this effort, the Party and its members are immersed in a strategy of propaganda, deceit, treason, and criminal activities.  To date the Party has been involved in orchestrating violent demonstrations in major cities, funding terrorists, manipulating law enforcement and the judicial system in order to frame and imprison it’s political opponents, and orchestrating a coup against a sitting president.  The ultimate goal of the Party is to establish the Federal Government under Democrat Party control as the ultimate source of power and authority over the American people, and the elimination of all individual rights including property rights.   

Please visit our website for more detailed information on what the Democrat Party and their activists in the press and across the nation are doing to ensure that communism will be the ruling ideology in America.  Help us in our effort to save our country by forwarding this information to all of your contacts and to anyone else that you can.  There is more information on our website concerning how you can anonymously spread the truth to friends, family and others. America needs your help.  If we do nothing our country will be lost.  

Please help us warn the American people by sending this letter to everyone you can.  Send it anonymously. Americans need to know the truth.  Our future and the future of the country is at stake.  We can’t do this without your help. If the truth does not get to the American people soon this country will be destroyed from within and from without.  Thousands of young soldiers have died to protect America’s freedoms. All were asking you to do is send a few letters or distribute a few flyers.  That shouldn’t be too much to ask.  Visit our website ( for more information about how you can help us warn the American people before it’s too late.  

Truth For America