The Democrat Party is a Satanic Organization

This should be a no-brainer for those of you who are Christians or, at least, have a familiarity with the Christian religion.  According to Christian beliefs, we live in a physical plane where two spiritual kingdoms are at war for the souls of men.  One kingdom is the Kingdom of God and the other is the Kingdom of Satan.  Those who fulfill the requirements of the Kingdom of God become members of that kingdom and receive the promise of eternal life with God after they die.   For the duration of their lives on earth they are tasked with the assignment of living according to God’s standards, which are found in the Bible, and inviting others into His kingdom.  A few of the most basic of God’s standards include integrity, moral purity, and respect for human life. The other spiritual kingdom in the earth is the Kingdom of Satan. The goal of the Kingdom of Satan is to entice people into life styles that ultimately disqualify them for citizenship in the Kingdom of God and condemn them to an eternity of suffering in Hell after death     

It is these two kingdoms that do battle for the souls of men and, because men can hide many things about themselves, it is not always certain which individuals are members of the Kingdom of God and which are members of the Kingdom of Satan.  However one thing is certain.  Those individuals or organizations that flagrantly advertise against the standards of God’s Kingdom and aggressively promote the moral perversions of Satan’s Kingdom are not members of the Kingdom of God, but are certainly in fellowship with the Kingdom of Satan.  

Summarily, the Democrat Party, because of its devotion to the practice of abortion, its celebration of all things sexually perverse including homosexuality, transgenderism, and pedophilia, and not to mention its practices of lawlessness and deceit, is without a doubt, an organization that is fully aligned with the kingdom of Satan.  In fact the Democrat Party is the most prolific organization for the advancement of the Kingdom of Hell in the earth.  

Please visit our website for more detailed information on what the Democrat Party and their activists in the press and across the nation are doing to spread their satanic doctrine in America and across the world, and help us by forwarding this letter to all of your contacts and to anyone else that you can.  There is more information on our website concerning how you can anonymously spread the truth to friends, family and others. America needs your help. If we do nothing our country will be lost.

Please help us warn the American people by sending this letter to everyone you can.  Send it anonymously. Americans need to know the truth.  Our future and the future of the country is at stake.  We can’t do this without your help. If the truth does not get to the American people soon this country will be destroyed from within and from without.  Thousands of young soldiers have died to protect America’s freedoms. All were asking you to do is send a few letters or distribute a few flyers. That shouldn’t be too much to ask.  Visit our website ( for more information about how you can help us warn the American people before it’s too late.  

Truth For America