Dear Congressman or Congresswoman,

Don’t you think it’s about time the American people knew who the Democrat Party is? There are absolutely no points of agreement between the current Democrat Party and the United States of America. It is an anti-American organization whose political ideology can best be expressed as a mix of communism, Marxism, and fascism. Its members spread a message of division and destruction and it has co-opted the service of the American Media in that effort.   

Americans may think they are voting for an individual candidate, but there are no individuals in the Democrat Party.  The members of the Democrat Party, like any communist party, are required to vote the beliefs of the Party and they do, as you well know.  While campaigning they will lie (and sometimes even use fake accents) in the same way that Kamala Harris and her VP pick are currently doing, but ultimately they have no mind of their own.  They will vote the dictates of the Party.

I would like you to consider that your campaign is not against a candidate, it is against a lawless, immoral, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Constitution, and treasoness organization masquerading as an American political party.  Perhaps if you and the Republican Party were able to enlighten the American people as to who the Democrat Party is, more Americans would be reluctant to elect anyone from that Party.  Perhaps if you and the Republican Party were able to educate the American people of the fact that the Democrat Party is, in fact, a communist Party, more Americans would be dissuaded from voting for anyone from that Party. Perhaps if you and the Republican Party were gutsy enough to warn the American people that the goal of the Democrat (communist) Party is the destruction of the free society and the enslavement of all citizens, more Americans would be afraid to vote for anyone associated with that Party.  

I believe the only play you and the Republican Party have left, now, is to go after the beast itself and not its minions.  The News Media is going to prop up the Democrat candidates while they lie incessantly and avoid any serious discussion of policy or record.  They (the Democrats and the News Media) will join forces and accuse Republicans of non existent crimes and prejudices, and attempt to emotionally manipulate enough uninformed and naïve voters that, when added to the thousands of illegal votes, will be enough to secure their election.  Under the Media’s rules sparring with Democrat candidates is, at best, counterproductive and, at worst, a disaster, similar to the first debate between Kamala and Trump. You must go after the beast.  Kill the beast and its minions will fall.  The Democrat Party must be exposed as a Communist Party.  As woefully uninformed and historically illiterate as most Americans are, the word communism is still able to strike a chord of fear in some and terror in others, particularly those who have had to flee communism within their lifetime.  

I’m sure I’m not telling you something you don’t already know and, truth be told, I wish the Republican Party would have revealed the true nature of the Democrat Party a long time ago. We are at a very dangerous time in our history.  The most formidable enemy this country has ever faced is already in the gates and in control of many of our country’s most important institutions.  If this enemy is not stopped the destruction upon our country will be profound and, possibly, permanent.

If the Democrat Party is not destroyed, America will be.  It’s time to expose the Democrat Party.

Thank you for time,   

Truth For America