Truth For America

It’s All Lies

The Democrat Party and the American Media is lying to you about everything.  

- They’re lying about global warming.

- They’re lying about fossil fuels.    

- They’re lying about black racism.   

- They’re lying about White Supremacy.  

- They’re lying about January 6.  

- They’re lying about illegal immigration.  

- They’re lying about police brutality.

- They’re lying about Black Lives Matter.  

- They’re lying about electric vehicles.  

- They’re lying about Ukraine.  

- They’re lying about America’s founding and its history.

- They’re lying about the Republican Party.  

- Everything they say about Donald Trump is a lie.  

- They’re lying about crime in America.  

- They lied about COVID.

The modern Democrat Party has wholly rejected the concepts of integrity and truth in favor of dishonesty and deception, but why?  

The United States has been experiencing encroaching socialism for decades at the hands of the Democrat Party and the American Media.  Socialism is a stepping stone to communism. Communism is the antithesis to the free society that produces a people who are the slaves of the Federal Government.  This is what the Democrat Party, with the help of their slavish Media, is striving for in America; the transformation of the United States into a one party ruled communist police state and that is why they lie.

The Democrat Party, their Media, and their activists throughout American society (teachers, professors, Hollywood, etc.) would be much better defined as terrorists and anarchists who seek the overthrow of the United States of America.  It just so happens their weapons of war are deceit, disinformation, and propaganda. They lie because they have to in order to access power.  After all they can’t inform citizens their ultimate goal is to enslave them and take everything they have.  

In the run up to the November election Kamala Harris will lie incessantly about everything.  Her news media will publish those lies as truth 24/7, thousands of times each day in the belief that what Stalin said is true: “a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth”.  None of what they say is actually true, but if enough Americans believe it the United States will share the poverty, destitution, starvation, and violence that so many nations have endured because of communism.

Our mission at is to deliver truth to the American people anyway we can.  We’re not politicians.  We’re not selling anything.  We don’t want your money and, if it’s up to us, you’ll never even know who we are.

Visit our website at for more truth about America and how you can help to inform other Americans before it is to late for you and for them.

Thanks for your time,


Please help us warn the American people by sending this letter to everyone you can.  Send it anonymously. Americans need to know the truth.  Our future and the future of the country is at stake.  We can’t do this without your help. If the truth does not get to the American people soon this country will be destroyed from within and from without.  Thousands of young soldiers have died to protect America’s freedoms. All were asking you to do is send a few letters or distribute a few flyers.  That shouldn’t be too much to ask.  Visit our website ( for more information about how you can help us warn the American people before it’s too late.