Truth For America

Where To Find Truth   

The first question that must be asked is, “Do you want to know the truth”?  Many people don’t. They would rather live a comfortable illusion than face a harsh reality, only problem being, that illusion will eventually cost them, and you, everything.  

The first necessary step in breaking free from the mind control of the American Left Wing (communist) Press* is that you must reactivate your rational mind and be willing to doubt and question the preposterous assertions being made by the Democrat Party and the Propaganda Media; assertions like:  abortion is not murder even when the baby is in the process of being delivered; a man can be a woman or vice versa; illegal immigration is good for the country; voting without I.D. won’t create massive voter fraud; communism is preferable to capitalism; and you will own nothing and be happy.  Generally speaking every assertion made by the Democrat Party, or its followers, is made either out of ignorance or from a purposed, and necessary, intent to deceive and mislead, because their actual goal is the overthrow of the United States.  Once you are willing to see through the lies of the Democrat Party, the American Left, and the Propaganda Press*, then you are ready to begin your search for truth.  That search will not, necessarily, be easy. It goes without saying that the Democrat Party, using the power of the Federal Government and the assistance of their media, is doing all they can to silence opposing voices (voices of truth in America).   

The references below will help you in your search.  Contrary to the uneducated and uninformed talking heads in the Left Wing media, these sources represent some of the best and brightest in our country today; accomplished, talented, knowledgeable, and courageous individuals who bring thoughtful and well-sourced American preserving cometary to counter the lies distortions, and propaganda of the Left Wing Media and the Democrat Party.  They, daily, unveil the truths about America that are being covered up by the Left Wing Media in order to protect the Democrat Party; truths that may save America and you.      

One more bit of advice.  Should you decide to begin actively searching for truth (and we encourage it) and decide to use the Internet never use Google as your search engine. Google is extremely compromised and devoted to the Democrat Party and the American Left and will redirect your searches in order to protect the Democrat Party. We highly recommend that you use the Mojeek browser.  We have found this browser to be the most forthcoming with truths about the Democrat Party and the American Left. Additionally when searching for information, do not use questions.  Instead use statements.  For example if you want to research all the lies Joe Biden has told do not search:  “is Joe Biden a liar?”, instead search “Joe Biden is a serial liar”, or when wanting to gather information on the communist nature of the Democrat Party, do not search “is the Democrat Party a Communist Party”?, instead search “the Democrat Party is a Communist Party”.  Not sure why this seems to be more effective but it is.  


* Left Wing Media also Left Wing Press:  almost all sources of popular news media in America including:  ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, CBS, yahoo news, and many others.  These have proven themselves to be willing surrogates of the Democrat Party and the Leftist agenda in America.  In this effort they have spread thousands of lies in order to protect the Democrat Party and impugn their opponents.  They should never be trusted for accurate information on important issues in America.  (also known as “main stream media” and “propaganda news networks”)   

Sources of Truth in America today:

Epoch Times

Sean Hannity

Laura Ingram  

Mark Levine

Dan Bongino

National Review

Denish Desousa

Ben Shapiro

Glenn Beck

Tucker Carlson

Dennis Prager

Charlie Kirk

For patriotic Christians also:

Flashpoint podcast

Dutch Sheets, Give him 15, podcast

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