Truth For America


Americans are living under an ever increasing thick web of lies.  All discussion about the important issues that will determine the fate of the American people and their families is being controlled and manipulated by powerful politicians and corporations for personal gain and empowerment. This manipulation routinely employs the proliferation of misleading information and blatant lies that are creating conditions in America that often resemble those of third world countries: rampant lawlessness, fraudulent elections, economic depravity and homelessness, and an illiterate and easily manipulated population.    

If you have been the least bit conscious over the past four years, you have experienced the obvious decline of our nation:  prices for everything have gone up, especially food; fuel prices continue to climb; housing is unaffordable for millions of Americans; America’s foreign relations with our allies and our enemies are in shambles; our border is wide open to drugs, terrorists, and sex trafficking; the violence in many of our larger cities is out of control with dozens of murders taking place every week; many businesses are fleeing larger cities like Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Memphis, Detroit, and Baltimore because of the violence and the punitive regulations and taxes; war has broken out in the Middle East and is escalating; the Russia/Ukraine conflict has cost thousands of lives and there is no end in sight; our country is over 40 trillion dollars in debt and yet billions in American taxpayer money has been given to Ukraine, with more promised, and billions more has been given to Iran; and both Russia and China are threatening World War 3 while America struggles with a depleted and weakened military that focuses more on sensitivity training and WOKE* ideology rather than combat readiness.  

Americans are suffering, but what they are suffering from most are the lies being told by our leaders and the Press.  None of the hardship and oppression that is currently taking place in America ever had to happen.  In fact much of it was by the design of a conglomerate of politicians who are anti-capitalism, anti-America, pro-communist, and incompetent to boot.  Because the Press has been complicit in these lies and seen to their proliferation throughout the country, naive and gullible Americans are actually being manipulated into choosing their own destruction and the destruction of the country.  

What we share on this site are the truths of why America is in a rapid state of decline: the lies that are being told; the crimes and intentional oppression that is being imposed upon the American people; and who is behind the diabolical plan for your future and the future of America.  The truths that we provide are based upon historical and verified evidence, but most are just plain old common sense.  We will provide as much reference material as possible and encourage you to seek out additional truth at the reference links provided at the bottom of each page. It is not our intent to tell you how to think, but provide you with the information that will encourage you to think and enable you to see through the deadly propaganda and lies being promoted in America today.  Should those lies and propaganda ultimately rule the day, the devastation and destruction upon America, upon you, and upon your family will, most likely, be unlike anything the world has ever seen.  The police state is coming to America, but it doesn’t have to.  It can be stopped if the eyes of the American people are opened. Only the American people can prevent the devastation that is planned for America.  

As time goes on we will upload additional crucial truths and warnings to this website. It is our hope that once your eyes are opened, that you will help inform and warn others by forwarding the letters that are included on the Letter Writing Campaign page of this website.  You can find more information and instructions on that page.

Thank You for Helping to Save America,

*WOKE - a word of undetermined meaning in modern culture being used to infer that racism is an indelible feature of America’s founding and that, therefore, all white people are racists by birthright.  It is another deceitful form of institutionalized racism in America being used by the Democrats to further their agenda of societal disruption and the transformation of America into a communist State.     


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