Letter Writing Campaign

Our letter writing campaign is an effort to bring the truth to those Americans who will never see or hear it.  Each of our letters is a portion of truth that Americans need to see, that the American Media will make sure they never see, but the key to them receiving this truth is you.  So many times Americans who understand what is happening to America say, “There’s nothing I can do, but vote.”  Well, now there is something you can do and it is something that can’t be done without you.  

Here’s how it works:  When you receive one of our letters in the mail or when you copy it from this website, make additional copies and send them to everyone you have an address for.  You can also make copies, roll them up and toss them in driveways, or distribute them anywhere that you happen to be like college campuses, or restaurant bathrooms.  The goal is to get the truth to the American People any way you can. Also, almost every page of this website can be printed and mailed or distributed by hand.   

Specific instructions for Letter #2: Send directly to Church leaders in your town. If sending to others include cover letter that directs them to send to all Church leaders in their town. Cover letter here: letter #2 cover letter

Specific instructions for Letter #5: Send directly to congressmen or congresswomen.  

If sending to others include cover letter, letter #5 cover letter, that directs them to send to congressmen and women.

One of the primary features of this plan is that, whatever we do, we do it anonymously. No identifying information is provided in anything that we send out.  Only the website name (Truthforamerica.org) is included on any of our materials.  Our safety and the safety of all who would help in this effort is one of our primary concerns.  Stay anonymous, stay safe.

Our hope is, ultimately, that thousands of Americans will be sending out thousands of letters that will begin to open the eyes of the American people.  The truth is, it’s up to you.  If you and I do nothing at this point in our country’s history America will be lost and the destruction and devastation upon the country will certainly be unlike what most of us have ever experienced.  Any amount that you can do will be helpful even if you only send out a few letters or distribute a few flyers. Find easy step by step instructions Here.

Should you hesitate to help because of fear, I would have you remember something.  From the very founding of this country thousands of young men have died to protect and preserve it. Many of them were not even out of their teenage years.  They never had the chance to get married, have children, own a home, and enjoy life. We have, because of them. They were afraid, but they fought regardless. Isn’t it time for us to do the same?

Click on the links below for letters that are available now.  It is our plan to keep adding letters in the future.  It is critical that these first few go out prior to the election in November.  Time is of the essence.  

Thank You.


Letter #1 -

Letter #2 -

Letter #3 - A warning about the true communist ideology of the Democrat Party.

Letter #4 - A warning about the true spiritual identity of the Democrat Party.

Letter #5 - A letter to Republican congressman.

Letter #6 - The Democrat Party and the American Media:  “It’s All Lies”

Flyers -   

Explains the catastrophic consequences of voting any Democrat into power in America.

Letter to Church Leaders advising them of their responsibility to warn their followers regarding the evil nature of the Democrat Party and the responsibility of Christians to involve themselves in the electoral process in order to be instrumental in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth as they are commanded to do so in the Bible.

This page has a selection of flyers that are easy to hand out, place on car windshields, place on bulletin boards, or anywhere else that people might come upon them.  They are small snippets of truth that people need to be aware of.  

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Truth For America