Step by Step Instructions


Warning Americans.

We need your help.  America needs your help.  The American people need to know the truth.  What we are asking you to do is not difficult:  (1) Send out the letters that we have listed under the “Letter Writing Campaign” page on this website and (2) distribute the flyers that are under the “Flyers” page of this website.  Here’s how easy it is: (we recommend that you send all of our letters by regular mail, not Email.  We all get thousands of emails and very rarely read them.  Chances are better that someone will read something they receive in the regular mail.)

For Letters 1,3,4,and 6 (I am referencing Microsoft Office products below, but you could use any office software)

1. Create mailing labels for all your contacts.  This is fairly easy using a spreadsheet and the mailing option in a Word document.  There are lots of YouTube videos on the subject.

2. For a return address, use Truth for America.  Make as many labels as you need.  Also easy to do with the mailings options in a word document.  Lots of YouTube videos on this also.

3. Make as many copies of the letter as you need.

4. Label envelopes.  Add postage. Place letters in envelope and mail.

5. These letters can also be rolled up, secured with a rubber band and hand delivered by tossing in driveways, attaching to mailboxes, throwing on porches, or whatever works.  

For Letter #2:

1. Google “Churches Near Me” and list these churches with addresses in a spreadsheet such that they can be imported into a word document for creating mailing labels.  (Also include any churches that you may be personally associated with.)

2. Create return addresses as indicated above.

3. Make as many copies of Letter #2 as needed.

4. Label envelopes.  Add postage. Place letters in envelope and mail.

For Letter #5

1. You may mail just to your Representatives and Congressmen or select several. Whichever you choose, create address mailing labels in the same way as listed above.  

2. Create as many return addresses as needed in the same way as listed above.

3. Make as many copies of Letter #2 as needed.

4. Label envelopes.  Add postage. Place letters in envelope and mail.

For flyers

1. Starting from wherever you live mark out an area of approximately a square mile.

2. Make as many copies as you think you need of the flyer.

3. Roll up the flyers and secure with rubber band.

4. If living in residential area, with the help of a friend drive around and toss in driveways (same way newspapers used to be delivered).

5. If living in city, leave on porches or stoops, or attach to mailboxes, or whatever would seem to work.

So, that’s all there is to it.  It’s easy and does not take lots of time and you’ve made some effort to save your country.  Because of the imminent election in November, we recommend that all letters be sent out as soon as possible.  Likewise for flyers.   

If you are too lazy or too scared to do anything then, I guess, you may have to someday explain to your grandchildren what you did in the war to save America.  The truth is we don’t live here forever.  We have a short lifetime in which we can either do good or do evil and as Dietrich Bonhoeffer* said:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.  Not to speak is to speak.   Not to act is to act.”  

This is a time to speak out.  The evil that is consuming America through organizations led by the Democrat Party and protected by a corrupt News Media and a corrupt judicial system is destroying the country.  Americans need to be confronted with truth.  Without your help that truth will never reach them. Please help us warn the American people by forwarding and/or distributing letters and flyers to everyone and everywhere you can. Practice anonymity. Our future and the future of the country is at stake. If the truth does not get to the American people soon this country will be destroyed from within and from without. Thousands of young soldiers have died to protect America’s freedoms. All were asking you to do is send a few letters or distribute a few flyers. That shouldn’t be too much to ask.  


Truth for America

*Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German Lutheran minister who lost his life for speaking out against Hitler’s euthanasia program and genocidal persecution of the Jews.
