Truth For America

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America is on the same path as Germany was prior to Hitler’s rule.  Today under Democrat Party rule every agency of the Federal Government (the FBI, IRS, and DOJ in particular) has been weaponized to persecute the opponents of the Democrat Party.  In an effort to send a chilling message to others FBI swat teams have often shown up in full battle array, with guns drawn, and massive real time media coverage to arrest citizens who presented absolutely no threat of violence.  The FBI has also misused its authority to target American citizens who speak out against the policies of the Democrat Party as White Supremacists and domestic terrorists.  Some have even been placed on no fly lists though they have committed no crimes whatsoever.  In addition the Democrat Party DOJ has spent a great deal of its time attempting to ruin the lives of Democrat Party opponents through frivolous and fraudulent law suits and criminal charges.

Unfortunately the tactics of the Democrat Party have been effective.  Many Americans today are afraid to speak up.  They are even afraid to think thoughts that might contradict the Democrat Party line.  The hope of the Democrat Party and the American Left is that they will successfully silence all opposition to their destructive agenda. Fear is not unnatural in the face of what is going on in America today, but silence is cowardice.  This country was founded and preserved by courageous men and women, many who gave their lives.  It will be a travesty if the country is lost because of a cowardly citizenry who chose slavery in the face of tyranny. Once Hitler came to power in Germany he tortured and murdered millions of innocent men, women, and children all because there were those in Germany who refused to speak the truth when they had the chance.  The same thing could happen in American.     

More Resources:  Follow the links below for the discussions the Media is hiding from the American People. (Please visit the page on this website entitled Where to Find Truth for a more in depth discussion of this effort.)

It’s All About Fear

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