Truth For America

American News Media

America has become a propaganda* nation.  Through a massive propaganda effort, the American people are being groomed and brainwashed to mindlessly reject freedom and truth and embrace slavery and ignorance. This effort is being coordinated through the government, news media, all forms of digital communication and print media, entertainment, teachers, and professors.  

Essential to the success of any propaganda effort is the control of all forms of communication. Types of media that must be controlled include: news reports, both on radio and TV or in print such as magazines or newspapers; talk shows; documentaries; text books; all digital media such as Facebook, YouTube and Instagram; and even movies or TV series and television cartoons. In this modern age controlling influence also needs to be exerted on search engines like Google.  Normally control would have to be established by force, but not in the United States.  

In the United States almost all forms of Media have freely submitted themselves to the American Left** and the Democrat Party.  In the News Media (ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and others) truth and accuracy in reporting are no longer their mission.  In fact they, apparently, spend little to no time researching topics. They simply report whatever will benefit the Democrat Party and the American Left, and avoid reporting whatever might harm the Party and their agenda.  However they will report 24/7 anything, truthful or not, that might harm the opponents of the Democrat Party and the American Left.  The Media spreads Leftist propaganda through misleading headlines, stories based upon unsubstantiated accusations, and outright lies.  Television documentaries, various TV series, and even cartoons are scripted in such a way as to promote pro-Leftist viewpoints and demean conservatives***. Platforms such as Facebook, or Google, increasingly use their influence to restrict the posting and distribution of conservative ideology while protecting and promoting the distribution of liberal****/communist ideology. The modern mission of the American News Media is no longer that of providing the American public with truthful and accurate information but that of protecting the Democrat Party and the American Left.  This is why over half of America doesn’t believe anything that comes from the American News Media and the rest needs to understand they are being lied to.  

* Propaganda is, basically, the presentation of half-truths or blatant lies in order to manipulate the thoughts, actions, or beliefs of others.  Propaganda has been a favorite tool of all dictators throughout history.

**American Left: The millions of activists who form the support arm of the Democrat Party.  These activists gather in groups like Black Lives Matter, ANTIFA, and hundreds of fraudulent “not for profit” organizations throughout the country. Their members also occupy hundreds of positions in public service throughout the country.  They are often violent and share the belief system that the United States of America is an illegitimate country that should be destroyed.

***conservative:  one who believes in the validity and application of the Constitution in America as written in order that a country of and by the people is attainable.  

****liberal: a somewhat meaningless term used by individuals or organizations to disguise the actual ideological beliefs of communism, Marxism, and fascism.

More Resources:  Follow the links below for the discussions the Media is hiding from the American People. (Please visit the page on this website entitled Where to Find Truth for a more in depth discussion of this effort.)

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