Truth For America

Is The Democrat Party Evil?

In one word “yes”, the Democrat Party is an evil organization.  Based upon their track record of deceit, injustice, murder of the most innocent amongst us, their prolific obsession with sexual immorality and sexual perversion, and their intense effort to recruit others into their spheres of darkness, they are one of the most evil organizations on the face of the earth.  From a Biblical perspective they are the Devil’s most effective platform for the expansion of his kingdom on earth.  The fact that some Democrat politicians claim to be Christians, while being fully supportive of the Democrat Party agenda of death of the innocent and celebration of all things sexually perverse, is a tragedy for them because they display a profound and disturbing ignorance regarding who God is and who the Democrat Party is, and what a Christian is.  There is no common ground between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of the Devil that controls the Democrat Party.  The Democrat Party is an organization that is here to do the work of Satan and his work they are doing.  Any individual who is a Democrat and claims to be a Christian is in a completely untenable and irreconcilable position.  You can be a Christian and work to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, or you can be a Democrat and support the establishment of the kingdom of Satan on the earth.  You cannot be both and to claim that you are is simply delusional.

More Resources:  Follow the links below for the discussions the Media is hiding from the American People. (Please visit the page on this website entitled Where to Find Truth for a more in depth discussion of this effort.)

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