As we have said before the true ideology and belief system of the Democrat Party is a combination of communism, Marxism, and fascism.  For simplicity’s sake we will call them a Communist Party. Their agenda has been slowly playing out for several decades, but was significantly accelerated under the Obama Presidency.  It is the same agenda that has been used to install communism in numerous countries throughout history:  

- de legitimize and destroy the country’s history  

- malign and defame the country’s founders  

- destroy any sense of nationalism or patriotism  

- destroy any commemorative items that celebrate the country such as statues or the country’s flag

- control all areas of influence in the culture particularly in education and the media

- Indoctrinate students as to the superiority of communism as a form of governing while nurturing them in a hatred for their own country

- use voter fraud to establish one-party rule

- redefine truth to be whatever benefits the party

- initiate societal chaos in order to destabilize the current government system so that the people will be more accepting of the imposition of communism; destabilization must be sustained by any means possible including turning citizens against one another, purposely bringing economic hardship and suffering upon the citizenry, promoting an atmosphere of violence across the country while de legitimizing law enforcement, and undermining the moral foundations of the country by normalizing  sexual perversion and continuing to press for the murder of babies in the womb without limitations.   

We have seen all of these things happening in America and the Democrat Party and their operatives have been behind all of it.  Democrat activists have torn down and demanded the removal of our historical monuments.  Democrat activists have routinely set American flags on fire.  Democrat activist teachers and administrators have removed American History from their curriculum or taught a tainted form of it. Democrat activist professors have indoctrinated students regarding the glories of communism and evils of capitalism. Ignorant young people have been convinced by Democrat activists to take part in violent demonstrations throughout the country.  Democrat Mayors have encouraged violence in their cities that have cost citizens millions, destroyed businesses and homes, and cost some their lives.  Democrat activists have placed pornography in our libraries and schools where it is easily accessible to young children and have supported every kind of sexual perversion known to mankind.

The ultimate goal of the Democrat Party is to impose communism on America but, before they can accomplish that goal, they must destroy America as it currently exists.

More Resources:  Follow the links below for the discussions the Media is hiding from the American People. (Please visit the page on this website entitled Where to Find Truth for a more in depth discussion of this effort.)

Democrat Party Strategy for Destroying America

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