Truth For America


If you know the Lord Jesus Christ and therefore have access to the Father, pray for America. We are in one of the darkest times in our history.  Evil abounds in our Federal Government and that evil is infecting the entire nation.  Will God withhold His judgement?  How long can He withhold His judgement?  Is He waiting to see what we are willing to do in order to bring a level of righteousness back to our nation?  What will happen if we do nothing?  Maybe we won’t have to find out, if we stand up and expel the evil from our government.  I don’t want to experience God’s judgement, do you?  

Pray fervently for America, that the eyes of the blind would be opened to the evil they pursue and that they would cease their pursuit and return to the path of righteousness and truth.  Pray that those consumed with the evil practices of the Democrat Party would be removed from our government and be replaced with those who practice righteousness and seek truth.  Pray that you and your family would be protected from all of the demonic forces that are active in America today.  Pray that those candidates who are fighting to dispel the Democrat Party and its evil practices from our government would be victorious and would be kept safe along with their families.  Pray for peace in your cities and towns and the protection of students, police officers and all emergency response personnel.  Pray for peace in Israel. Pray as the Holy Spirit would lead you.

Satan is on the move in America.  Through the Democrat Party he is closer that he has ever been to bringing this country into submission to his kingdom of darkness, and he doesn’t plan on giving up that advantage easily.  Our prayers can make a huge difference in this war for America.  It is a war we cannot afford to lose and, perhaps, with God’s help and your actions, we won’t.

For more discussion about Christ go to the Page titled Ultimate Truth on this site.

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