The Democrat Party

The principals of the modern Democrat Party share very little in common with the principals and goals of the United States Constitution.   Although the Party has cloaked themselves with a variety of titles such as liberal or progressive, the true ideology of the modern Democrat Party is a combination of socialism, communism, Marxism, and fascism.  Their ultimate goal is to orchestrate the destabilization of America to the point that the foundations critical to the preservation of the free society are so eroded that the country will be forced to accept some form of communism in order to survive.   In adopting this mission, the Democrat Party has become one of the most odious political organizations on the face of the earth.  They are treasonous at their core and ally themselves with every anti-American group there is. Because of their reprobate nature they have become a safe haven for criminals, communists, and terrorists. They are content with the destruction of American cities and neighborhoods, lawlessness, and the death of Americans if it promotes their goal of establishing America as a one-party dictatorship. They are unrestrained by truth, law, God, or conscience in their efforts to bring down the country.

More Resources:  Follow the links below for the discussions the Media is hiding from the American People. (Please visit the page on this website entitled Where to Find Truth for a more in depth discussion of this effort.)

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