What Can I Do?

Things that you can do to help save America:

1. Vote. Make sure you are registered to vote and then, most importantly, never vote for any member of the Democrat Party.  There is no individualism in the Democrat Party.  The Democrat Party is a single organism and everyone in the Party moves with the organism and the purpose of that organism, as we have gone to great lengths to explain, is to destroy the United States of America.  How to vote?  You must vote Republican and here is why.  To vote Democrat is a vote to destroy America.  To not vote, or to vote a third Party candidate, is to give the Democrat Party a one vote advantage in its quest to rule over America.  Therefore, voting Republican, in our predominantly two party system, is the only option.  This is not to laud the accomplishments of the Republican Party because it has certainly failed the American people on many levels, but in the current struggle it is the only viable option that is available.  Turning our attention to fixing the Republican Party could be the next agenda item after defeating the Democrat Party.  We must also keep in mind that we are faced with the formidable task of having to overcome the massive number of fraudulent votes that will be cast by Democrat Party activists.  Another reason why every vote against the Democrat Party is so important.   

2. Christians, register to vote and do not vote for the Party who hates Israel, murders children in the womb, or is grooming your children to be sexual perverts and predators.  America’s founding is closely associated with Christianity and all of its founding documents, in addition to the establishment of most of its institutions, were heavily influenced by the Bible.  In fact, all of the Founding Fathers of this nation were in agreement that Biblical morality was fundamental, not only to the creation of America, but to its survival and many of them wrote prolifically on this topic.  Unfortunately the Church, over time, has abandoned its position in the political sphere as the voice for American morality by distancing itself from politics and advising its membership to do the same, resulting in the moral free fall that we are experiencing in America today.  It is estimated in America that thousands of Christians never vote and thousands of others are not even registered to vote. Christians must return in force to the political process as a matter of personal and national survival.  Do whatever you can in your Church to bring Christians up to speed on the truths that are being hidden from them and get them registered and to the ballot box.  

3. One of the greatest contributions that one can make to the effort of saving America is that of getting the truth to the American people.  As we have already stated nearly every means of communication with the American people has been co opted by, and is under the control of, the Democrat Party and the America Left. This being the case we have struggled for years with how to effectively communicate the truth to the America people and this website and our letter writing campaign is the best that we could come up with, but we need your help.  The page on this website entitled Letter Writing Campaign contains just a few letters at this point that need to go out ASAP in order to affect the November elections.  You may have gotten one of these letters yourself.  We need your help in getting these letters out to everyone that you can.  We would like you to make copies and send them to everyone you have an address for.  Send them anonymously.  Simply label the return address as truthforamerica.org. Send them to businesses.  Send them to church members. Use them as flyers and drop them off at various locations.  Post them on bulletin boards. Leave them in restaurant bathrooms.  Throw them in driveways. Be creative.  With this process there will be some duplication, but it is unavoidable. Our primary concern is that we get the truth to the American People.  

4. If you are able, consider doing any of the following; do not let fear stop you:

- Put up yard signs for Donald Trump and the Republican Party

- Have yard signs made that advertise pertinent truths and place them on the side of the road or at important intersections.  At this point in our struggle we suggest truths such as the following that focus on the true identity of the Democrat Party which is communism:  “The Democrat Party is a Communist Party”; “A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Communism in America”; “Vote for Communism in America, Vote Democrat”; “Americans Unite, Overthrow the Democrat Party”. These are just suggestions.  Use your own creativity.  

- Billboards, if you have the funds billboards would be another way to spread the truth in America using the same types of messages that we suggested for yard signs.  

- And certainly, fly an American flag.  You’d be surprised how many people are even afraid to fly an American flag these days.

(When putting up any signs be sure to include this website as a source of additional information.)

5. Donate to Republican candidates.  It is unfortunate that money plays such a large part in our elections, but it does.  Stalin* once said that “A lie told often enough soon becomes the truth.”  The Democrat Party receives billions of dollars from communist sympathizers from inside and outside of the country.  Those billions of dollars are spent on running deceitful advertising 24/7.  In addition they have the support of a sycophant  Media who are thrilled to spread Democrat Party lies as part of their 24/7 news cycle. Republicans have no comparable support either financially or from the News Media.  Consequently they must depend upon individual donations from the American people.  Donate to Donald Trump and other Republican candidates if you are able.

These are a few ideas.  Use your imagination.  The fact is that millions of American citizens are astoundingly ignorant of what is happening in the country and the plans that are being made for them and their future.  Our hope is that, if they can be informed, our numbers will be large enough that we can overcome fraudulent elections, and if we can stay informed and inform others, that the criminals, communists, and reprobates who currently operate in positions of authority in America can be replaced with individuals of integrity and character who are loyal to this country and to its citizens.  

 “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless.  Not to speak is to speak.   Not to act is to act.”  ( Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

It’s up to you and me and millions of other Americans.  If we do nothing to stop the agenda of the Democrat Party America will be forced to experience the tyranny, oppression, and suffering of the Communist Police State.  America’s time is running out.  We must act now.    

*Stalin – Dictator in Russia who transformed Russia from an agrarian to an industrial society and in the process brought about the starvation of millions of Russians.  The account is one of the most grisly in human history as parents resorted to eating their children and even their own limbs.  What is equally horrifying is the way in which the American Media turned a blind eye to what Stalin was doing and willingly became the propaganda press arm of his regime.    

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